First Sight (The Ivory Series Book 1) Read online

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  Mum was laying on the lounge watching the news when I arrived home. The music at the end showed highlights of articles covered. “Did they find those missing footballers?” I asked as casual as possible, trying to hide my desperate need for answers.

  Mum let out a long sigh and pushed herself into a sitting position. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned “Yes, they came into the hospital this afternoon. Some bushwalkers found them up on an old fire trail near Peak Hill, toward the old abandoned miner’s cottages on the escarpment.”

  “Peak Hill! How did they get all the way up there?”

  Mum shrugged her shoulders and pulled the elastic band from her hair, letting it fall around her shoulders and face “No idea. They say they can’t remember what happened. They must have been on some sort of party drug if you ask me.”

  “Were they hurt?” Curiosity was getting the better of me, even though I didn’t care about Matt or Brad. The need to know that Vaughan wasn’t involved was starting to consume me.

  “No. They did have a lot of cuts and bruises from being in the bush for two days though. They were dehydrated, of course, and had a few leech bites, but other than that, they were fine. You’re home late” Mum checked her watch.

  It was close to midnight when we arrived at Ivory on Friday, Marcus and the other bouncer stepped aside and we were let straight in. Vaughan was behind the bar with Heidi and Gerri. I waved as we walked past, trying to catch his attention, but he ignored me. Gerri was the only one who smiled and waved, Heidi just turned her back to us. I consoled myself with the fact that the bar was pretty busy and I’m sure he didn’t want Ivan to know too much about his checking up on me. “I’ll get some drinks Bec.” I offered as we sat at our usual table.

  “Ok, but just coke for me” she shouted back over the music.

  Purposely, I stood at the bar in front of Vaughan. He would have to serve me, say hello to me. My desire to look into those eyes again made me quiver with excitement. He moved to the other end of the bar, forcing Gerri to serve me. All night he seemed to avoid me, every time I looked at him, he would look away. When I went to the bar, he moved away. I watched him go through the side door behind the bar and took this as my opportunity. Heidi tried to stop me as I stepped behind the bar “You can’t go back there” she shouted but Gerri intervened “Heidi, I need your help.”

  Throwing the door open, I then slammed it closed behind me and stood in the middle of the small room, with my hands on my hips. Vaughan was standing in the far corner of the room with his back to me “What’s your problem?” I demanded “Why have you been avoiding me all night?”

  “You shouldn’t be back here Nicola” he answered in a weak monotone voice, his back still to me, head down and shoulders hunched.

  “I thought after Monday, that you would at least acknowledge my existence.”

  “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. Please just go” his posture didn’t alter.

  “No. Not until you look me in the eye, and tell me that you want me to leave.”

  Vaughan turned and crossed the room in two quick strides. He moved so quickly and before I realised what was happening, he had one arm around my waist the other behind my neck and kissed me. My arms circled around his neck and I pulled myself closer to him, my body felt hot against his. His lips were cool on mine. A flood of warmth rushed through me. My arms and legs went weak with pleasure. Vaughan pushed himself away gently and turned from me again, his arms shaking. “Nicola, please go” his voice was also shaking. My heart was racing, I took a step towards him and put my arms around him and rested my face on his back “Is that what you want?” I could feel his body trembling.

  “It’s what is best” He shivered, his breathing became deeper “Please.”

  “Fine, I’ll go” I released my hold and turned and started for the door “On Monday I’ll be at the café after work, if you also happened to be there, it would be a coincidence. I’m sure that’s not breaking any of Ivan’s rules.”

  Heidi eyed me with a basilisk stare as I walked through the door. Bec stood at the end of the bar waiting for me, she threw her arms up in frustration “What the hell Nic?”

  “Let’s go” I said and took her hand and headed down the stairs. Not needing to check over my shoulder to see if Vaughan emerged or not. Bec was at my side “Um, hello! Are you going to explain to me what just happened?”

  “Once we’re out of here.”

  Bec listened intently to what had happened with Vaughan as she drove home “I knew it. Ha! Cassie owes me.”


  “I told you my money was on you. Ha! She said you had no chance. That’ll teach her to not back my girl” she rubbed her hands together in triumph.

  “Bec, I’m not doing this for a bet.”

  She looked across at me from the driver’s side of her car and back to the road “You really like this guy?”

  “Yes, I do.” I answered sincerely.

  “Well, you should go for it.”

  “This means we can’t go to Ivory anymore” I reminded her.

  She shrugged “So. There are plenty of other clubs around here.”

  “You’re the best Bec.”

  “I know, I know. Do you think he’ll show on Monday?”

  I let out a long sigh and shrugged “I hope so.”

  “I’m sure he will.” She replied.

  The seconds on the clock ticked slowly by. Anita, the senior receptionist, noticed my distraction. “Have you got a hot date this afternoon?”

  I bit my bottom lip and nodded. Anita, let out a girly squeal and clapped her hands “Spill it. Who’s the guy?” Anita had married young and seemed to miss her youth. I had the feeling she lived vicariously through me sometimes, as annoying as it was I humoured her.

  “Um, well, there’s really not much to tell. He’s a bar tender at Ivory.”

  “Ivory. What’s that?” Anita interrupted.

  “It is a new nightclub, it opened a few weeks ago” I couldn’t help laughing. I wondered when the last time Anita had been out to a bar, or anywhere that served alcohol? “Anyway, the owner doesn’t let staff get involved with customers. So I mentioned that I would be somewhere this afternoon and if he also happened to be there at the same time that would be a coincidence” my fingers knotted together like a naughty child as I told her my plan.

  Anita slapped me on the knee “You’re so bad. So what time is he meeting you?”

  “I told him I would be there after work. I don’t even know if he’ll show up” doubt was now starting to set in.

  “How could he not.”

  “I hope so” I muttered under my breath.

  The clock ticked to 4:55 and Anita hurried me out of the door of the office “Go, you don’t want to be late.”

  “I don’t want to seem desperate either” I argued.

  She stopped me “That’s true. Maybe you should wait. Make him wait for you.”

  I held my hands up in surrender “I’m sure I’ll be fine Anita.”

  “Ok, tell me everything tomorrow. Good luck” she said as she clapped her hands together again like a little girl. I shook my head with embarrassment for her as I left.

  The waitress recognised me when I sat at the same lounge as the previous week “Chai Latte?” she asked.

  “Yes please.” Nerves were now twisting knots in my stomach. The place was empty, every few seconds I would check the door “Waiting for someone?” the waitress asked as she put my coffee in front of me.

  I nodded nervously.

  A man came through the door and I looked up in anticipation, but it was only a local businessman returning a coffee cup to the counter “Thanks love, see you tomorrow” he waved as he walked out the door.

  “I’m sure he’ll show up” she consoled and left to clean up.

  An hour had gone by, my Chai had gone cold and I couldn’t pretend to read the newspaper anymore. Disappointment was washing over me, then anger. No one had ever st
ood me up before and I made my way back to the car park.

  The same feeling I was being watched burned into me as I stopped beside my car “You stood me up” I said, without turning around.

  Vaughan was beside me and leaned against my car “Sorry.”

  “Why are you here?” I asked disgruntled as I faced him.

  “I wanted to see you” His eyes were pale ice blue and stood out against his pale skin. He looked tired, dark shadows forming under his eyes.

  “Why didn’t you meet me?” My hands crossed over my chest.

  He looked away and let out a long sigh “It’s hard to explain.”

  “Try” I shot back, then checked my watch “Over dinner.”

  His eyes opened wider, shocked by my boldness “Now?”

  “Why not now? You’re here, I’m here. I’m starving” my hand went to my stomach for effect “And you owe me for standing me up.”

  “Um, now’s not really a good time Nicola” he seemed uneasy; his eyes looked everywhere but at mine.

  "What about lunch tomorrow then?"

  His forehead creased as he opened his mouth to speak.

  I threw open my car door in frustration before he could answer and slid into the driver’s seat “Goodbye Vaughan” and slammed the door closed. He stood across the driveway in front of my car, blocking my exit. I rolled my window down “Get out of my way or I will run you over.”

  Vaughan walked to the side of the car and crouched down so he was eye level with me “I’m not right for you Nicola. I’m sorry” His eyes were pained, he honestly believed what he was saying, that he was not good for me.

  “How do you know that? You haven’t even given it a chance.”

  “Trust me. I don’t want to hurt you” he shook his head.

  A flashback of this same conversation came to mind; now I know how Justin must have felt. “Whatever” was the only answer that came to mind and I edged the car forward out of the driveway, this time he didn’t stop me.

  “He stood me up Bec” I stammered into the phone.

  “What! Oh honey, do you want me to come over?” she sympathised.

  “No, I want to be alone.” I clutched my pillow to my chest, holding it to me in a vain hope that it would absorb my melancholy.

  “Forget about him, there are plenty more fish in the sea.”

  “I don’t want any other fish. I want him.”

  “Why? You could have any guy Nic, What’s so special about him?”

  A floodgate opened inside me and all my emotions began to spill out “Oh Bec! He makes me feel all warm inside, and he doesn’t treat me like other guys do. But he makes me angry and not in control and under normal circumstances I would hate it, but I love that he makes me feel that way” my words seemed to push themselves out of my mouth all at the same time, I was unsure if Bec could follow my confused rambling.

  She let me finished, then surmised “You’re in love with him!”

  “What! No! I don’t know… Maybe.”

  “I think you do.”

  “He doesn’t love me back, so what does it matter?” I answered, throwing myself down on my bed. “I hate him!” I sulked. I had never felt this way before, it was something that was out of my control and made me uncomfortable.

  “You love him.”


  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come over?”

  “Positive. I’m going to eat a carton of ice cream and wallow by myself. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Call me if you need me and I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks.” I mumbled.