The Beast Within Read online

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  Chapter 12

  A dozen long stemmed red roses greeted Karina when she arrived home from work. Ella was bouncing up and down with anticipation “Open them, open them,” she almost squealed “Who are they from?”

  Karina read the card Dinner tonight, pick you up at 7. Ian “They’re from Ian.”

  Ella’s expression diminished slightly “I have been sitting here all afternoon hoping they were from that hot Xavier guy.”

  Karina showed Ella the card “Sorry to disappoint.”

  Ella took the card and read it “Wow that’s spontaneous of Ian, springing a dinner date on you with two hours notice. I wonder what ‘to do’ list he had that written on.”

  Karina mused over the card “Spontaneous. That’s exactly what I told him I needed.”

  “So are you going?”

  Karina thought about it a moment “I don’t know Ella. I don’t know what I want. My head tells me one thing and my heart tells me the other.”

  Ella put her hands on her hips “Your head wouldn’t have a Greek accent and sound similar to your Yiayia would it?”

  Karina rolled her eyes “I’m going to have a shower.”

  Karina hurried to the door before Ella could answer it and make an awkward scene. Ian had picked her up at precisely the time he said he would. “Bye Ella,” she called as she closed the door and hurried Ian along the hall.

  “You look very beautiful tonight.” Ian complimented as he opened the car door and Karina slipped inside. They drove to the only restaurant at the lookout, which was perched at the top of the escarpment and boasted views that stretched 180 degrees along the coast. Ian pulled up a stool for Karina at the bar then excused himself, returning a few moments later “Hi, I’m Ian,” he started, like two people meeting for the first time “Can I buy you a drink?” and slipped into the chair beside her. He got the attention of the waiter behind the bar “I’ll have a beer and...” turned to Karina, indicating what she would like.

  “Chardonnay please” she replied, looking at Ian with confusion “What are you doing?” she laughed.

  “Starting over, you said things were too familiar. So I’m meeting you for the first time. And you are?” He thrust his hand out for Karina to shake.

  She ran her fingers through her hair and thought about whom she would like to be for the night “My name is Angela,” she said seductively, laughing at herself but going along with the game. She felt slightly ridiculous but played along.

  “Angela derived from the word Angel. I can see why your parents named you after one so beautiful.”

  Karina laughed and sipped her wine, looking around the room nervously.

  “Angela, would you like to join me for dinner?” Ian asked as he stood. Karina followed and a waiter ushered them to a table seated by the window, Karina knew the tables along the window were booked out two months in advance and wondered what negotiating Ian did to secure one.

  “So Angela, what is it that you do?”

  Karina leaned forward seductively and gestured with her finger for Ian to come closer “Can I let you in on a secret?”

  Ian nodded enthusiastically.

  “I’m an accountant by day and I fight crime at night.”

  Ian’s face went blank, he looked around the room then back to Karina biting his lower lip “Can I let you in on a secret?” he asked “Me too.”

  The pair laughed loudly and Karina felt a tug inside her chest, the rest of the evening followed the same banter and Karina realised she was smiling and enjoying herself. She liked being somebody else for a change. When the evening ended Ian walked Karina to her door like the gentlemen he would always be “Ian, thank you for tonight. It is exactly what I needed” she said sincerely.

  His eyes twinkled with the same relief as when he first saw her across the duck pond all those years ago “I’m glad. So Angela, can I see you again?”

  Karina laughed and kissed Ian on the cheek “Call me,” she said as she squeezed his hand. As she turned to leave he pulled her back to him and kissed her passionately. Karina felt her legs go weak and warmth spread through her. The pair looked into each other’s eyes and Karina felt something she hadn’t with Ian before. It wasn’t familiar and comfortable; it almost seemed dangerous and arousing. Ian’s body froze and he tensed his shoulders, his hand tightened around Karina’s wrist “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  Ian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his face softened as he opened them and let her go “Nothing, I thought I heard something,” his attention was drawn over his shoulder onto the street “It’s getting cold, you should go inside.”

  Karina nodded and kissed him again on the cheek, then opening the front door to the apartment block she slipped inside waving to Ian as she disappeared into the lift. As the lift doors closed she fell back against the wall, a smile on her face.

  “So how was your date?” Ella taunted as Karina closed the door behind her.

  Karina smiled and her fingers brushed over her lips. “It was actually better than I expected.”

  Ella kneeled backward over the lounge “Don’t tell me you’re going back there?”

  “Ian was different tonight; all I’m saying is that I had a good time. I’m leaving my options open.” She said as she joined Ella on the lounge, nestling her head into the back rest.

  “Good, because hottie Xavier was here earlier looking for you.”

  “What!” Karina exclaimed sitting bolt upright “What did you tell him?”

  Ella laughed “Relax, I told him you were out with an old friend.”

  “Did he leave a message?”

  Ella shook her head “Nope.”

  “A number?”

  Another shake of her head “Sorry.”

  Karina let out a long exasperated sigh as she looked around the room aimlessly, then threw her arms up in frustration “I’m going to bed,” she announced as she stomped from the room, slamming her door.

  Tossing restlessly all night her thoughts were torn between Xavier and Ian. Xavier, with his tall dark and handsome features and troubled mysterious persona. He was the bad boy she knew would throw her life into a chaos that she secretly desired. Ian on the other hand was strong and reliable; the one she felt safe with. Dinner with him tonight made her realise that he wanted to fight for their relationship. Her heart skipped at the thought. She was getting the best of both worlds; did she really need to make a choice between the two just yet? Gradually Karina drifted off to sleep; her dream involved both Ian and Xavier. They were fighting each other and Karina stood and watched. Ian was a lover not a fighter but he was holding his own against Xavier. Karina didn’t know who she felt more drawn too and seemed to hide in the shadows, frightened of the two men as they exchanged blows. She could see blood trickling from Xavier’s face and Ian stumbled wearily. Her alarm woke her before she could finish the dream, disappointed.