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The Beast Within Page 10

  Chapter 10

  Two weeks passed and Karina heard no word from Ian, her mother was avoiding her phone calls and her relationship with Ella was becoming strained because of Karina’s dislike to Rick. The best friends had many heated discussions about Ella’s relationship but decided to leave it at “He’s only using you, he comes here gets what he wants and leaves. He never takes you anywhere and doesn’t spend the night,” and Ella’s response of “I’m a big girl I know what I’m doing. If I wanted a serious relationship do you really think I’d be with someone like Rick?”

  Many years ago they promised never to let a guy come between them and as hard as it was to uphold that now, they both did their best. Everything in Karina’s life felt as though it was getting further and further out of her control and she somehow found a way to pinpoint it back to Xavier. Karina had still not heard from him since that glorious passionate night she would never forget.

  Even Andrea was urging Karina to try and track him down. “Have you called the university and checked if he actually works there?” she asked on a slow night shift.

  “I’m not going to stalk him,” Karina laughed.

  Andrea rolled her eyes at Karina for the apparent faux pas “It’s not stalking; it’s called researching,” she clarified “Which reminds me. I ‘researched’ him for you and you’ll be glad to know he has no patient record.”

  Karina’s eyes widened “Andrea!”

  “What? I am looking out for your best interest, thank you very much.”

  This conversation stuck with Karina for the following days until she couldn’t take it anymore. She decided to undertake her own research and drove to the university campus. Following the map she obtained at the administration’s office, she guided herself to the far western building where the history department was located. The two story building was red brick and looked to be over 40 years old, which seemed strange as the rest of the campus was new and more modern. The buildings were rendered in neutral colours and the landscaping was functional yet pretty.

  After asking a few people for directions she managed to find the mythology office. A few people scoffed at her as though she were crazy for asking for mythology. When she finally stood at the door the realisation of what she was doing actually took effect. Butterflies flew in her stomach and her hands started sweating. Was she really going to do this? She would knock on the door and say what exactly? Hi, not sure if you remember me, but we had a one night stand a few weeks ago. I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since, so I thought I’d come to your place of employment and check on you? If the situation were reversed Karina would seriously consider admitting Xavier to the ward for evaluation. Once she knocked there would be no turning back. No, she couldn’t do this, she had to get on with her life and stop obsessing over this guy who obviously had no interest in her. She turned and started to walk down the hall when the door opened. Karina froze, too embarrassed to turn around. Desperately she wanted to run and save her the humiliation “Can I help you?” a male voice asked. Not deep and sexy like Xavier’s but still young, and slightly impatient. Slowly Karina turned toward the voice. A short thin man, not much older than her stood holding the door open “Who are you looking for?” his voice now more impatient.

  “I was looking for a mythology teacher by the name of Xavier,” oh how stupid do I sound. Karina thought to herself.

  The impatient man looked Karina up and down “He’s not here.”

  “Do I have the right office?”

  He let out a frustrated sigh “Yes,” then started to close the door. Karina stepped forward holding the door, her foot preventing it from closing. She was now in the personal space of the little man whose eye level was lower than Karina’s “Well what classroom is he in?” her voice was level and strong, she felt a sense of empowerment.

  The man took half a step back with a look of astonishment on his face “Are you a student?”

  “No. I’m a friend and I want to know where to find him.”

  He smirked at some private joke “Friend, right! He’s not teaching today and I don’t know when he’ll be back. He’s probably on one of his little ‘research’ trips that he goes on so frequently.”

  Karina rolled her eyes at this little man’s obvious jealousy issue and asked as sweetly as she could “Do you know where I could find him?”

  “He lives on some property in the back of nowhere at the base of The Pass.”

  “Thank you for your time,” her voice was laden with sarcasm as she began to walk away.

  “Yes, yes, whatever,” was his answer as he shut the door.

  Karina drove out to the base of The Pass, an old single lane access road used to connect Basinview with the highlands. The road had long been closed due to frequent landslides and truck over turnings. A new triple carriage highway had been built out of town for the increasing trucks and people to travel on. The area here was now unused and overgrown; farming land was now starting to flourish again. Karina’s car vibrated violently over the cattle grate that gave her access to the only house she knew of at the bottom of The Pass. An old farmer’s cottage that from the outside appeared abandoned but moderately maintained. A white sedan was parked beside the house so she knew it was not abandoned. Karina stopped her car in front and looked over it for a few moments. Was she really losing her mind? Was Ian right, did she need to get some help? This is how people end up as missing persons, Karina thought to herself.

  After a few moments she stepped out of the car, the only sound she could hear was the cawing of crows in the surrounding trees and cicada’s in the distance. The large overgrown area made the house look dark and cold. She must be at the wrong house, but there was only one way to find out. Stepping up the creaky steps she knocked on the front door. The hollow thud of her fist shook loose dust and it scattered loosely to the ground in the light. A spider web adorned the corner of the doorway as it swung open. The doorway opened up to a small foyer, with a dining room adjoining it. A table with a single chair were seated at it. A faded crimson Persian rug under the table, as Karina stepped inside she called “Hello?... Xavier?... Anyone?” No answer. She stepped inside the foyer and looked around; a coat cupboard was to the left of the front door, the sun came in from the window on the right, casting light over the table. Dust particles danced in the sun’s rays.

  Karina’s heart started to pound in her chest as she stepped further inside the house, she looked to the left of the table which seemed to lead to a kitchen. Dishes were still in the sink so someone was occupying the place. To the right was what appeared to be a scantily furnished lounge room. A man was asleep on the lounge, she took a step closer, it looked like Xavier but she couldn’t be sure. Another step closer and her legs started to shake with fear, what if it wasn’t? A floorboard creaked under her foot and she quickly lifted it, the man’s breath held for a moment too long then resumed to normal. She stepped to the side this time, it was definitely Xavier but his clothes were dishevelled and his hair a mess. Had he been in another fight? His face didn’t seem bruised and his stitches were gone. Karina took another step closer and knelt down beside the lounge next to the sleeping man. She took a deep breath. He smelled as good as she remembered masculine, a combination of musk, earth and the air just after it rains. Karina wanted to stay all day and just watch him sleep, but she knew it was creepy. Slowly she started to rise. Xavier’s eyes opened and flashed the same menacing amber as in the car park when he was being attacked. Karina gasped and stood to back away slowly but Xavier leapt forward off the lounge pinning her to the floor, his breath was hot on her cheek and a deep husky growl escaped through clenched teeth. Karina held her breath and tried to hold the scream that threatened to escape her lungs. Her pulse hammered in her temples and sweat beaded her brow. Her body was rigid with fear. It took a few moments for him to realise what was happening, his body was pressed against hers and he was panting hard with fright. He leaned his head against the floor and took a deep breath, Karina could
feel his heart beating against her chest “What are you doing here?” he asked pounding his fist on the floor then standing, helping Karina to her feet. She looked at his face; his eyes now back to the dark chocolate brown she remembered. It must be the light she thought to herself.

  “I’m sorry,” she said “I had to see you again”.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” he answered flatly.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll go.” Karina answered embarrassed. She felt like a fool, Xavier didn’t have feelings for her and now this proved it. Karina hesitated in the doorway and he slammed it shut, his two muscular hands pressed against the door blocking her exit. She could feel Xavier behind her, his breath moving her hair. He kissed her neck softly, Karina sighed pleasurably leaning back into Xavier. His hands began to trace the curves of her waist and she held her breath with anticipation. She turned toward him and he ripped open the buttons on her dress and let it fall to the floor. Xavier’s hands moved with urgency over Karina’s body and his lips gently caressed her neck and cheek. Karina’s skin tingled with excitement and her arms slipped around his neck as she pushed her body against his. He caressed her breasts, her stomach, every inch of her body “I want you,” she whispered and Xavier lifted her from her feet and pushed her body back against the door. His hands supported her legs as he thrust himself inside her, she in turn held tightly around his shoulders and urged him deeper and stronger. Xavier stepped back into the dining room and slipped into a chair with Karina straddling him. It was her turn to dominate now. She wanted to punish everyone for thinking she was a good girl who should settle. She wanted to prove she was worth more, the anger flared inside as she rode Xavier harder and faster. The pain was sensual and pleasurable and made Karina want it more, she pushed harder and harder until finally she felt the release she desired most. Throwing her head back and screaming her satisfaction, she fell breathlessly into Xavier, her head on his shoulder.

  “You know you’re sexy when you’re mad,” he commented as he held Karina to him and kissed her sweaty shoulder as he tried to catch his breath. Karina looked up and pushed away the strand of hair stuck to her wet face. Every part of her ached sensually and contently “I’m sorry,” she laughed ashamedly.

  “Don’t be.”

  “What makes you think I’m mad?”

  “I can feel it.”

  Karina looked at Xavier confused. He put his finger on her chest “In here. I can feel it,” then he pointed to his own chest “and in here.”

  Karina laughed weakly at Xavier’s admission, she was unsure what he meant but felt she should take it as a compliment.

  “Can you feel me?” he asked when she avoided his eyes “You know there’s something about me that brings the worst out in you.”

  “I wouldn’t say the worst in me.”

  He moved his face so Karina had no choice but to look into his smouldering dark eyes “But it’s something you’re not use to? An emotion you have no control over.”

  Karina nodded her head and pursed her lips together. She moved from the chair and collected her clothes putting them back on. She watched Xavier in all his glory and quite comfortable that way. Karina wondered if she’d ever be comfortable enough with herself to sit around naked and not feel embarrassed by it. As she slipped her foot into what remained of her dress, Xavier curled his finger for her to come closer. She pulled the dress up and walked towards him, his eyes hungry for her. Taking her face in his hands he kissed her passionately then he slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. “I didn’t think I’d see you again,” she whispered as he kissed slowly along her bare shoulder.

  “You shouldn’t,” he replied without looking at her as he made his way down her arm, taking it tenderly in his hand and down to her wrist. Goosebumps were rising over Karina’s body and she felt herself slip under his spell again “Why not?” she whispered.

  He rested her palm on his bristly cheek “Because I’m no good for you, despite the fact that you’re the only thing that’s good for me.” His eyes showed a sadness she had never seen before. He looked vulnerable and for the first time she noticed a few grey hairs at his temples that shone in the daylight. Xavier moved his hands to Karina’s waist and rested his head on her chest not looking at her.

  “What do you mean you’re no good for me?”

  “You should go back to your preppy accountant.”

  Karina’s body tensed “How do you know about Ian?”

  Xavier looked up into Karina’s face “I went to your apartment a few weeks ago and saw you getting into his car.” His eyes were pained but she didn’t feel the emotion in the same way he apparently did.

  “Is that the only time you’ve been to my apartment?”

  He nodded.

  “Why are you no good for me Xavier?” her fingers ran through his hair playfully.

  “You haven’t worked it out yet?” his mouth pulled up on one side.

  She shook her head “No. Tell me.”

  “Do you wonder why I bring out the aggression in you? Feelings you didn’t think you were capable of.”

  Karina nodded.

  “It’s because of what you are Karina. You need to embrace it.”

  Karina rolled her eyes “The faeries again. Do you know how much trouble that caused with my family? They believe that Tuatha is a nickname my Grandmothers wayward Great Aunt, called her bastard daughter. Apparently I look like her so they decided to call me Tuatha because they thought it would be cute!”

  “Your family have no idea?” Xavier’s eyes lit up.

  “Not that they are telling me, but my mother is avoiding my calls now and will barely speak to me so I dare say they have an idea about something. Let me guess Xavier, you’re one too?”

  He smiled trying to fight back a laugh “No, I’m definitely not.”

  “Then what are you? What is it about you that gets under my skin, and in my head?”

  Xavier laughed “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” and he moved from the table but Karina pushed him back. “Tell me,” she demanded.

  Xavier smiled playfully “I told you, you were sexy when you get mad,” and leaned forward to kiss her. Karina pushed Xavier backward onto the table and in a single leap sat on top of his chest. “Tell me!” her voice was deeper and more forceful than she had ever heard it before, now looking about herself she realised where she was and how she got there. Slowly she moved off the edge of the table and back to the ground grabbing the chair for support as she slid into it. “What did I just do?” she asked no one in particular her hands shaking. Xavier knelt beside Karina on the ground and put his hand consolingly on her knee. She looked into his concerned eyes “What’s wrong with me?” her voice broke.

  “Nothing. It’s the warrior in you. When you get mad it grows stronger. You will feel more aggression towards other paranormal beings, that’s only natural. You’ve never been shown how to control it so it’s overwhelming at first. But it’s nothing to fear, you need to embrace it, become the warrior you are longing to be.”

  Karina looked at Xavier, devouring every word he was saying “Paranormal beings?” she asked. He nodded his head encouragingly like she was on the verge of some break though. “You do this to me? I can feel it,” another nod. “Xavier, what are you?”