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First Sight (The Ivory Series Book 1)

  First Sight

  The Ivory Series

  Book 1

  Melissa Crowe

  The Ivory Series could not have been made possible if it weren’t for the love and support of a group of extraordinary people. For Megan, who read it first and encouraged me to share it with the world. For Amanda, who pushed me to continue when I wanted to give up. For Kirsty, who harbours my bad ideas. Also, to my fabulous technical team Linda, Virginia and Kate.

  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

  Copyright 2012 Melissa Crowe

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.   All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  License Notes


  “Get up!” An angry voice shouted, jolting me from my sleep.

  The blinds of my bedroom were thrown open and the warm protective covers of my bed pulled away. Harsh daylight streamed through my window and momentarily blinded me. The sudden exposure made me shrink back as I drew my knees protectively to my chest and reached blindly for the bed covers, to pull back over my head and hide in my warm dark cocoon. My mother pulled the corner from my hand before I could escape back into the darkness.

  “No! Get up Nicola. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon, you’re not wasting the entire day sleeping. I don’t care if you are hung over. It’s self inflicted so you get no sympathy.”

  It took all my remaining strength to let out a small whimper of protest as my stinging eyes blinked furiously, adjusting to the blinding light that penetrated into my skull like fire. She stood over me, lips in a stern line and hands crossed over her body like a school yard bully waiting to pounce. As I managed to leverage myself upright on the edge of my bed, a high pitched ringing in my ears, from exposure to excessively loud noise, made me feel off balance and dizzy. My hair fell around my face like a veil; the smell of stale cigarette smoke wafting from it made my stomach lurch. I ran my fingers through it, smoothing it off my face and took a deep breath.

  Slowly my eyes came into focus and adjusted to the sight before me. A path of clothing and handbag contents littered my room leading to my bed and my pyjama pants were on backwards. A few moments passed before I realised the room wasn’t spinning and I contemplated standing. My feet gingerly touched down on the soft carpet below and I leaned forward, eventually getting myself to a standing position and trying not to overbalance and fall forwards. My temples pulsated at the change in altitude and my mouth had a dry sticky feeling that resembled what I could only describe as the taste of having eaten mown grass. I stumbled like a baby learning to walk as I ambled my way to the bathroom.

  My toothbrush scrubbed furiously at the stamp on the inside of my wrist under the hot shower, as I washed away patchy memories and smeared makeup. The ink letters with the name of a nightclub had bled together and seeped into my skin, all that now remained was a red blur.

  The mirror on the back of my bedroom door gave me some insight to the last 12 hours, there didn’t seem to be any new bruises or cuts. My index finger pressed on the green yellow L shaped mark that adorned my right buttock, my skin turning white under the pressure and then pink on release as the blood rushed back. A trophy from the previous weekends drunken stupor. I absently brushed my fingers over the raised red crescent shaped mark on the inside of my arm, just above my elbow; it was still numb to the touch. This one had occurred a few months ago. I still have no recollection of doing it, but the pain afterwards is something that I will never forget.

  The smell of alcohol and sweat in my room invaded my nostrils. Using all my strength not to throw up, I shielded my delicate eyes from the daylight as I opened the window; the rusty screech of the frame hurt my ears and made a shiver run down my spine. I fell onto my bed and called my best friend Rebecca. “Oh my God, you’re alive!” she answered “With the amount of tequila you drank last night I thought you’d sleep for a week” Tequila that explained the pulsating in my temples. In the six months since my eighteenth birthday, I had been able to pinpoint my drink of choice by my hangover that followed. Pulsating temples indicated a tequila hangover; pressured forehead meant wine; headache at the top of my skull was vodka; pain behind my eyes, bourbon; throwing up was a guarantee of rum consumption and pain in the back of my skull and neck meant I had fallen and hit my head. All this was generally accompanied by a new array of bruises in various positions on my body from stumbles and falls or the occasional stiletto heel to the foot.

  “Hey Bec. How are you feeling?” My voice was still deep and husky from dehydration and lack of use.

  “Better than you by the sound of it” she laughed.

  “Urgh. Mum woke me up; she’s on another one of her you’re not spending your entire weekends sleeping and hung-over rampages.”

  “Mine too. Hey Cassie has a gig as a DJ tonight at the opening of some new club in The Cove; she is leaving our names at the door. Wanna go?”

  “Mmm” was my all I could manage and cuddled my pillow under my head. A waft of stale smoke and alcohol churned into the air and I quickly pushed it away, watching it drop over the side of the bed and onto the floor “I didn’t know there was a new club opening?” I yawned.

  “Cassie said its some guy she met in London, apparently everyone who works there is drop dead gorgeous, the girls, the guys, the owner, everyone.”

  “Hmmmm, hot guys serving me drinks, I’m there.”

  Bec laughed “I thought that would be your answer. Justin will pick you up at ten.”

  “See you then.”

  By ten o’clock my body had recovered from its previous state of abuse, ready to start the process all again. My skin had regained its healthy glow and didn’t look sallow or drawn, my chocolate colored hair shimmered down my back and wasn’t straggly and knotted, or plastered to the side of my face. I settled on wearing my confidence boosting outfit. The one I knew looked good on me. Gold sequins tank top that clung in all the right places and a black mini. This outfit seemed to make me look exceptionally tall and I felt invincible when I wore it. I tossed my lipstick into my clutch bag and headed for the front door, only to have mum cut me off, arms crossed over her body in her faded blue flannel pyjamas blocking the doorway. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked with raised eyebrows and an over my dead body look.

  I stamped my foot in protest like a whiny child. “Muuuuum. Cassie’s got us tickets to a new club that’s opening tonight.”

  “So tomorrow will be another wasted day?”

  I rolled my eyes “Urgh. Bye” and gave her a kiss on the cheek as I slid passed “Don’t wait up” I laughed over my shoulder and hopped into the waiting car parked in my driveway.

  “Hey guys” I greeted fumbling with my seatbelt.

  “Hey Nic” Bec answered from the front as she checked her reflection in the mirror above the visor.

  “Hi Nicola, you look really… nice tonight” Bec’s younger brother Justin complemented me as he turned away. It was no secret that Justin had a crush on me, and knowing it was wrong, sometimes I played on it. He was one of those nice, sweet, genuine guys that were good to their Mum. He was the guy who would put you on a pedestal and treat you like a queen. Worshiping the ground you walked on. Unfortunately, I was 18 and had father abandonment issues and a credit card. I wasn’t interested in the nice guy. My life was on an alcohol fuelled path of self destruction, being drawn to the bad boy
s, the ones your father would forbid you to see, who only wanted you for one thing and then would brag about it to their mates. They saw me as the beautiful girl on their arm and nothing more. Guys like Tyler Johnston.

  Justin drove the short distance into the CBD of Belles Cove and pulled the car he shared with his two older sisters into the curb, around the corner from the club Cassie was working at tonight. He waited for Bec to get out before turning to face me from the driver’s seat “I can pick you up later if you want Nic?” The look on his face hinted that he wanted to say something else but changed his mind at the last minute. Leaning forward I took his chin in my hand and pulled him a little closer toward me until we were inches apart “Justin, you can pick me up anytime you want” I teased and kissed him on the cheek before stepping out of the car.

  “Nic, I really wish you wouldn’t do that to him” Bec scolded “If it was any other guy I wouldn’t care, but he is my brother.”

  Shame momentarily washed over me and I was now the one to feel embarrassed “Sorry” I knew it was wrong, but I liked the feeling of being desired and not having to give anything in return.

  We rounded the corner onto Main Street where the length of the line stopped us. “Are you sure Cassie got us tickets?” I asked skeptically. The line was two people deep and stretched back half the block to the corner where we stood. Girls were shivering from the cool night air in their barely there, revealing outfits as the guys in the line tried to chat them up.

  “She said she was leaving our names at the door” Bec said sounding unsure. The thought of standing out in the cold wasn’t sounding too appealing.

  The entrance to the club was black marble with black glass doors and a large white neon sign above the front door with Ivory written across it. The two bouncers outside weren’t big heavily tattooed muscular men I was used to seeing at the door of a night club. They were average height and build and just as Cassie had described, drop dead gorgeous. They wore button front shirts, not the tight black t shirts that looked about to tear at the seams. There was an air about them that was intimidating and frightening, something I felt deep in my bones told me not to mess with these men. They would have no trouble, despite their lack of brawn. Bec approached them with caution; they looked us up and down and smiled “End of the line ladies.”

  “Um, my sister Cassie was leaving our names with you” Bec said sounding timid. She seemed to feel the same sense of unease as I did.

  “Names?” the blond one asked almost bored.

  “Rebecca Pearson and Nicola Grainger.”

  Both men stepped aside and gestured us to enter “We’ve been expecting you. Come in ladies, enjoy your night.”

  “Thank you” I mumbled, passing across the threshold.

  We reached a long bar beside the dance floor that stretched almost the entire length of the club. A water feature running over red tiles on the bar wall gave it a hotel lobby appearance. The glass bar top reflected your image perfectly, not a streak to be seen. I could not help putting my palms on the cool glass. Leaving my hands imprinted perfectly. A man appeared beside us and looked at Bec and I with familiarity. His black suit, shirt and silk tie seemed out of place. “Miss Pearson, Miss Grainger” the man said as he took our hand and kissed them in greeting, bowing slightly. “I am Ivan, welcome to my establishment. I assured Cassidy I would take extra special care of you both this evening. If you would follow me to our VIP area, I’m sure you would be more comfortable” he turned and walked through the crowd. Bec and I looked at each other and mouthed the words VIP, then followed Ivan. People parted when they saw him approach and we followed in his wake to the back of the club and up a flight of stairs that almost seemed hidden to the general public. The bouncer at the top of the stairs was bigger and more intimidating that then two out the front. He seemed to be of Islander decent, Tongan perhaps. His large arms showed tribal tattoos around his forearms and he guarded a red velvet rope across the entrance, stepping aside to remove it as we approached. Ivan stopped and introduced us “Adrian, these two ladies are Cassidy’s guests. Rebecca and Nicola.”

  He nodded and gestured us through the door. We followed Ivan to a reserved table and he pulled out the two chairs. As we sat down a woman appeared at Ivan’s side with a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses. “If there is anything else you need, Heidi here will get it for you” He indicated to the tall statuesque blonde beside him. My eyes fixated on her beauty, she was at least six feet tall and graceful, like a ballerina. She wore a black silk top that came to her midriff and dark low rider skinny jeans hugged her hips, accentuating the perfect curves of her waist. My posture seemed to slump just a little at the sight of her. Her skin was the creamy pale colour of porcelain, and her lips were full and pouty, the color of red roses. She appeared to be Nordic, with high angular cheekbones and eyes the color of molten amber that seemed to entrance you.

  “Thank you” Bec said to Ivan and Heidi as they left.

  “Is this Ivan guy Cassie’s boyfriend or something?”

  Bec shook her head “I have no idea, I’ve never heard her talk about him, but I like the five star treatment.”

  “Me too” I replied, sipping my champagne and taking in the atmosphere. Cassie had already started her set and gave us a quick wave as she spun her turntable. Bec and I both raised our glasses and toasted her as we drank. I scanned the bar; there was Heidi, another woman who was shorter and had red curly hair, who reminded me of a porcelain doll my Grandmother gave me as a child, and a guy who had his back turned. All I could see of him were his broad, muscular shoulders under his fitted gray shirt, but judging by everyone else here I’m sure he was gorgeous too.

  “Cassie was right about the staff. They’re all beautiful, even the men. Where did Ivan find all these people?”

  I shrugged my shoulders topping up both of our glasses “I don’t know.”

  “I’m feeling ugly right now.”

  “Me too” and took another sip of champagne, trying to induce the hazy buzz that would drown away the feeling of inadequacy.

  “I mean, look at that guy at the bar. It should be against the law to be that hot.”

  I gave a fleeting look back to the bar. The bar tender had glanced in our direction at the same time. My mouth went dry and I’m sure I had stopped breathing. He was the most perfect person I had ever seen. His wavy black hair curled just under his ear and fell delicately around his face; his eyes were a dark sapphire blue that you could lose yourself in. My eyes were locked on his as though I were in a trance; electricity tingled under the surface of my skin and made my stomach leap with excitement. As he turned away I realised I was gasping for breath. Bec waved her hand in front of my eyes and shook me “Hello, Earth to Nicola.”

  I turned to face her “What?” still trying to catch my breath.

  “You were staring” she laughed.

  My attention turned back to the bar “He’s perfect” I whispered and now heard the hammering of my erratic heartbeat in my ears.

  “I know they all are here. Tyler alert, don’t look” she grabbed my arm and drew me closer to her “He just walked in.” Tyler thought because his father worked for the local council that he was ‘well connected’, he was the type of guy who seemed to demand respect through association and usually got it. Especially with bar owners, they knew his father could close down an establishment as easily as he could open one. No red tape and few questions asked as long as you had the cash.

  “Did he see us?”

  “No, but he’s looking around. Damn, he just spotted us.” Bec fumed.

  Cassie pulled out the spare chair and sat down at the table, blocking our view. “Hey Cass, great set” Bec said to her sister.

  “Thanks, are you having a good night?”

  “Yes, thanks for the VIP treatment” I lifted my glass to her in toast.

  Even in the darkness of the bar Cassie’s face turned a violent shade of scarlet and she tucked her hair behind her ear, which she always did when nervous “T
hat was Ivan’s idea” and she glanced over her shoulder toward the door where Ivan was talking to Adrian.

  “What’s the story with you two? I’ve never heard you talk about him before” Bec asked.

  A shy embarrassed smile spread across Cassie’s face and she looked away “Nothing. I met him in London and we’ve kept in touch, he called m

  e a few weeks ago and told me he was opening a club here and asked me if I wanted to be his DJ.”

  “But you want to be more than his employee?” Bec teased

  I could see Cassie’s discomfort and changed the subject “You weren’t wrong about the people who work here. Where did Ivan find them, fashion week?”

  “I know.”

  “Especially that bar tender” I added pointing over my shoulder.

  Cassie turned to see who I was talking about and laughed “Vaughan? Ha! You have no chance Nic. Ivan has a very strict no fraternizing with the patrons policy.”

  “Is that a challenge I hear?” Bec’s attention was piqued.

  “I think it is” I added, chiming in.

  “Try your hardest girlfriend” Cassie laughed as she stood up and returned to her DJ booth. Bec and I looked at each other and laughed. My eyes strayed back toward the bar and I caught sight of Vaughan and weighed up my chances. I stood and strutted to the bar, standing in front of Vaughan and demanding his attention. He looked up at me and I not-so-innocently brushed my hair over my shoulder. A look of shock crossed his perfect face, the glass in his hand smashed, shattering into thousands of tiny pieces leaving a deep gash across his palm, the blood pooled before it tumbled over the edge running between his fingers. My mouth fell open in horror; Vaughan held his bloody hand and left through a door beside the bar without saying a word. Heidi and the other bar tender looked in the direction Vaughan had gone, Heidi following him. The red haired woman turned and looked at me as though nothing out of the ordinary had just happened “What can I get for you?” her voice was sweet and angelic with a strong Irish accent. My mouth was still open as I stared at the open door. It took me a few moments to compose myself “Um, I’d like a glass of water” the words came out just above a whisper and almost caught in my throat. “Is he going to be ok?” I asked pointing in the direction of the exit as she laid the glass in front of me.

  “He’ll be fine” she answered without a second glance and moved on to the next customer. My shaking hand picked up the glass and I walked back to the table in defeat. Bec bit her bottom lip trying not to laugh as I sat down.

  “That seemed to go well” she teased, sipping her champagne. I turned back in the direction of the bar; Heidi had returned alone and shot me a sour look. “I think my money is with Cassie on this one.”

  “What’s that suppose to mean?” I shot back defensively, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

  Before she could answer someone pulled out the chair Cassie had been sitting on and fell into it, almost missing it as they sat. “What do you want?” I shot at Tyler with as much acidic tone as I could muster.

  “Oh, come on baby, don’t be like that” he answered as he ran his hand along my arm, swaying under his own weight. His breath reeked of alcohol and the front of his shirt had spill marks. I shrugged away from his touch and turned to Bec standing “I think it’s time to dance.”

  “He really doesn’t get it, does he?” Bec complained as we maneuvered our way through the crowd of sweaty bodies toward the dance floor.

  As we danced I felt hands on my waist and spun around breaking free of the grasp. Tyler looked me up and down and smiled a sleazy smile that made me feel cheap. “Go away Tyler, I’m not interested” I shouted and pushed him away from me. He stumbled back into the group of people behind him then swayed forward.

  “Come on Nicci, don’t be like that. You’re not still angry about what happened at Claire’s party are you?” he slurred as he brushed my hair away from my face, running the back of his fingers along my neck, just how he knew I liked. My skin cringed at his touch and I slapped his hand away, turning away in disgust. His arms were around me and his body was pressed against mine. My arm was raised ready to slap him in the face as I turned. Vaughan had Tyler by the arm and dragged him around so the two were face to face. “She said she’s not interested” Vaughan growled.

  “Don’t touch me!” Tyler shouted as he pulled his arm free of Vaughan’s grip, people close enough to see the commotion stopped dancing to stare at the scene. Others started to crowd around to get a glance at some action. Tyler was relishing the attention he had drawn to himself.

  “I think you’ve had enough to drink and you need to leave” Vaughan’s voice was smooth and even, full of confidence, his intense eyes burning into Tylers.

  “I don’t think so. I can stay here and drink as long as I want. Do you know who my father is?” Tyler shot back; he took a small step forward and was now closer to Vaughan’s face. The two men were looking eyeball to eyeball, and he raised his voice to draw more attention to himself. Vaughan stayed calm, his expression didn’t alter, his body not giving way to Tylers blatant invasion of personal space. Vaughan was a few inches taller that Tyler and his arms were more defined and muscular, but Tyler seemed to think his father’s influence was all he needed. Ivan appeared at Vaughan’s side “Is there a problem here?” his was the voice of reason.

  Tyler looked from Ivan to Vaughan and accepted their united front and backed down “No, no problem. My father will hear about this though” and pushed through Vaughan and Ivan along his way. I turned to thank Vaughan, but he was gone. Ivan was left standing at my side, the crowd had disbursed and everyone was getting back into the music, disappointed at the lack of action. “Is everything ok ladies?” Ivan asked concerned.

  We both nodded “Fine.”

  Ivan nodded in agreement and turned and left through the crowd to behind the bar.

  Pushing my way through the crowd I tried to see which direction Vaughan had gone, but he wasn’t there. The red haired bar tender smiled “What’ll it be?”

  “I need to speak to Vaughan.”

  “He’s finished for the night” Her voice was flat and emotionless, lacking the cheerful lilt it had earlier “Is there something I can help you with?” Something about the cold firmness in her voice told me the topic of Vaughan, was not open for discussion.

  My stomach felt heavy with disappointment and I shook my head “No, I just wanted to thank him, for helping me.”

  The red haired woman looked over her shoulder to Heidi then back to me and leant forward over the bar whispering “I’ll let him know” her voice was back to the sweet and gentle sound and her eyes made you want to melt into them.

  “Thank you.”

  “Gerri, can you give me a hand?” Heidi called from the other end of the bar. She stood with her hands on her hips and the same sour look she gave me earlier.

  “Take care” she said to me as she turned and left to help Heidi.